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Services at Signature Employee Benefits, Inc. SEB is an independent brokerage and consulting company; we are not limited to only one particular insurance carrier. We represent several of the National top-rated companies. We are pleased to offer you the added convenience, products and services. Insurance solutions for Individuals, Families, the Self-Employed & Groups. Count on us for your Employee Benefit Programs, as they are a powerful means of attracting and retaining quality employees. By utilizing SEB's Insurance Professionals you will be able to offer your company a comprehensive, customized benefits package that is also an effective tool for recruiting. Together we can design a plan that will help you compete for top talent. Your licensed SEB Representative will work to provide the coverage you need. We know it's important for us to understand your unique situation and goals, and help you understand your options. We help you focus on what is right for you and help you take the next step closer to getting there. When choosing a broker, it is important to find one who can provide all of the services and solutions your company will require. Signature Employee Benefits, Inc. is your single source for Employee Benefits Insurance Brokerage Consultation. We provide creative solutions to help reduce costs and negotiate aggressively with the insurance companies to acquire the most competitive rates available for our clients. Our areas of expertise include: Medical & Dental Life & Disability Voluntary Benefits Contributions & Plan Strategy Self-funded Plans Consumer Driven Plans Employee Communications SEB has served as an expert source in all areas of employee benefits. We are dedicated to designing cost effective insurance programs that enable companies to create the best group benefit plans for their employees' at the most competitive price. With vast experience in fully insured and self-funded medical plans, as well as ancillary benefits such as life and disability, voluntary or involuntary, we offer our clients a full spectrum of insurance benefits. We will take into consideration all aspects of our client's financial affairs and provide the ultimate in service. Analyze We pride ourselves on conducting all of the necessary research before we recommend a group health benefit plan to prospects and clients. With a personal approach, we will discuss your present situation and develop a clear understanding of your needs and objectives. Design Once we agree on your benefit goals, the existing plan will be reviewed. At that point, we will develop, market and recommend a benefits program selecting appropriate products, plan designs, carriers, etc. that not only meet your needs and financial budget, but also satisfy the needs of your employees. Implement If our recommendations fit your needs, we will begin the implementation process. Our staff will enroll and communicate the benefit plan to your employees, providing them with educational enrollment kits. We will review all plan documents and booklets, applications and contract information and will coordinate administration of your plan. Manage Signature Employee Benefits, Inc. is dedicated to continuous day-to-day service. We assign a dedicated team to every client, which acts as an extension of your human resources function. Review Our staff will routinely review your financial position and service related issues. We will conduct a claim review and benchmark your initial goals and objectives with your actual results. Prior to your renewal, our staff will review your group benefit plan, contact the health insurance provider, and negotiate the impending renewal. If necessary, we will shop your plan(s) to evaluate the current market place. Upon examination of your renewal and our marketing efforts, we will recommend a course of action. |
Over Two Decades of Experience Signature Employee Benefits Consultants will provide your organization with all aspects of benefit plan design, communication, and compliance. Our staff has over two decades of experience in creating comprehensive, flexible, and cost-effective benefit programs for our clients. Today benefit plans require special expertise to maintain equity among employees while controlling escalating healthcare costs. SEB focuses on plan designs that incorporate an employee contribution strategy and employee communications program, so that organizations can maximize the value received from each benefits dollar spent. SEB provides a comprehensive portfolio of benefit products that will fit all of your benefit needs. We work closely with you to determine the best possible combination of benefit products for your benefit plan that will satisfy your employees as well as be cost-effective to your organization. INSURANCE MANAGEMENT How do you manage your insurance program? What should you consider at renewal?Ê Should you take alternate quotes? Do you have claims issues that need to be resolved?ÊYou will get unbiased solutions to the day-to-day challenges you face with your business insurance. Consider us your "on-call" insurance expert. BID MANAGEMENT Do you want to bid out your insurance but don't know where to start? We will dramatically simplify the bidding process for your company by submitting and gathering competitive proposals, analyzing the costs and options, and recommending the insurance that meets your needs and budget. As a full service insurance agency, SEB specializes in all aspects of employee benefits, from medical and dental insurance to Voluntary Benefits & Enrollment and everything in between. We are an industry leader known for aggressively pricing group benefits while offering outstanding customer service. We take a simple pro-active approach, reviewing your current plan design and offering innovative solutions to help contain and even reduce your current costs. |
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